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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena
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P1 Admissions: September 2021

26th Jan 2021

Dear Parent, please see a letter from the Education Authority regarding primary school admissions for September 2021. Please direct any questions about the application process to the contacts listed at the end of the letter.

If you have any younger children who will be requiring a pre school or primary school place in September
2021, the deadline for making an application via the Education Authority is this Friday, January 29 at noon.

If you know of any other families with children who will be starting school this September, particularly
those who may not have access to social media, could we ask that you let them know of the importance of
making an application. The Education Authority has help desk emails and phone numbers should there be
any queries. These are listed below along with the link for making an online application.

Online Application:

Admissions Helpdesk: 028 9598 5595

Email: or