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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

In the Garden🌺

28th Apr 2020

We have been so blessed recently with some glorious spring weather. Not only has the lovely sunshine allowed us to play outside, it has allowed lots of our home learning, for World Around Us, to be done outdoors.

P1 and 2 have started a new topic, In the Garden, and there is no better way to learn than getting outdoors and gaining some hands-on experience!

P1 have been very busy. This week we were learning about the parts of a flower, as well as, garden plants and flowers.  Here we have Jamie, Aria and Aisling busy in the garden on their flower hunt. Aisling even got the opportunity to plant her own Sunflower! I am looking forward to seeing how it grows over the coming weeks! On his flower hunt, Jamie found some ants scurrying around under a rock! Jamie has also been looking after some tadpoles of his own! I think we would all agree with him, they are swimming very quickly around their container!