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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Jamie’s Latest Projects πŸ˜ƒ

5th Jun 2020

Jamie in P1 has had another top week of home learning and has attached some fab pics to share his fun experiences.   Keeping up with the ‘Virtual Sports Day’ timetable Jamie was working on week 4 challenges this week ‘Marathon Challenge’ and ‘Creating your own Obstacle Course!’ I believe this has provided hours of entertainment and Jamie’s mum compares their obstacle course endeavours to an episode of ‘Laurel and Hardy!!’ πŸ˜†

Jamie is also pictured here trying out one of this week’s suggested science experiments, ‘Grow your own rainbow’! Didn’t it turn out really well 😊

Jamie is delighted to report that his vegetables are flourishing … they certainly look to be thriving in your attached pics! Jamie has even sampled a little bit of lettuce and kale, so keen was his interest! Fantastic how growing his own vegetables is encouraging Jamie to include more ‘greens’ in his diet! πŸ‘Œ

You’ll see from the video Jamie has attached that his tadpoles are getting big and fast! He has had to replace some of their old water with fresh spring water and Jamie has discovered that they actually love diced cucumber, lettuce and wee flies πŸ‘

Jamie’s love for nature, the outdoors and all things ‘wild’ has grown so much that he has decided to do the ‘30 Days Wildlife challenge’ during June. He has attached a photograph of one of his challenges, making a bird bath! Jamie and his family can’t take their eyes off it, hoping for some visitors πŸ™‚

This sounds like a brilliant way to pass some time in lockdown – why not have a go? Visit the Wildlife Trust website and sign up by clicking the link below…

Super work again this week Jamie πŸ‘

Thank you for all your amazing updates and for sharing your wonderful ideas!