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P1 Garden Inspired Creations!

6th May 2020

P1 have continued to excel in their home learning. I was delighted to hear from Aria and Aisling this afternoon. As part of their playful learning, P1/2 were asked to use natural resources from their garden to create something beautiful. They were also asked to make their own playdough and incorporate it, to further enhance their natural art.

Just look at Aria’s beautiful ballerina and her careful placement of the petals and look at her pinecone hedgehog, which perfectly depicts the hedgehog’s shape and texture. Aria firstly drew out and planned her hedgehog, then she carefully selected and used her natural materials and playdough to make impressive realistic representations 😊  She also tells me she has been enjoying all her home learning and can be seen here practising her writing!

Similarly, Aisling has also been keeping very busy, enjoying the routine and working very hard! Her attached flower picture shows us how she manipulated her playdough to make beautiful heart-shaped petals and then incorporated natural materials to create such a realistic representation 😊

Absolutely brilliant work – THANK YOU!