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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

P1 Grow Green Fingers 😊

11th May 2020

Izzi had a busy weekend helping her daddy plant potatoes. She is really enjoying the outdoor life and has developed a real love and talent for planting. Here she is pictured getting stuck into planting potatoes, all with a lovely, big smile on her face 😊 This ties in perfectly with our World Around Us topic, ‘In the Garden!’ Isn’t it just fantastic to see the pupils getting the opportunity to engage in such brilliant first-hand learning experiences!

Izzi also tells me she has been getting to meet lots of minibeast ‘friends’ as she goes about her planting. Here she is pictured with a lovely metallic ladybird. I hope it is not a bad-tempered ladybird like the one we read about in last week’s story ‘The Bad-Tempered Ladybird’ by Eric Carle!

Excellent work again P1 - THANK YOU 😊