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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena
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P1/2 Celebrate Maths Week !!

17th Oct 2019

P1 and P2 have had a fabulous time celebrating Maths Week. We played lots of interactive games which we downloaded from the Maths Week Website. These games helped us to develop our Mathematical Language, Thinking Skills and Problem Solving Skills. 

On Thursday we took our maths lesson outside and had a fabulous time consolidating our learning in maths through play. We used chalk to draw clocks in P2 and to practise our numeral '2' in P1. We traced a massive clock in the sandpit. We also loved using our playground number markings to enhance our mathematical knowledge. 

The children explored Measures in our mud kitchen where we followed a recipe and measured ingredients to make play dough.

We were also able to combine our Maths work in Sorting and our Topic work in Autumn, whereby we sorted leaves into Venn and Tree diagrams. The photographs will give you a flavour of the fun learning had by all.