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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena
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Virtual Sports Day

8th May 2020

If we were still in school, we would be starting to prepare for our Sports Day events. As we aren’t able to compete in our usual sporting events together, SPAR have created a new way for you to compete against each other, by competing in new sporting events and recording your results in the Healthy Kidz App. (Healthy Kidz App can be downloaded for free on both Apple and Android devices).

We are registered on the Healthy Kidz Website, so you can sign up individually. You should then receive a unique username and password (please check spam/ junk mail folders as they may be delivered here). This can all be done through the website

There are prizes on offer for schools that enter and prizes for pupils as well! The ‘Healthy Kidz’ booklet can be accessed from this link - It gives details of the different sporting events and how to make them suitable for each Key Stage.

It would be fantastic to see you all have Sports Day 2020, even though it may be at home in the garden.